League News


Registration is now open

Registration for the 2023-24 season is now open!  Please visit our registration page for details



Aug 16, 2023

2023-24 Season Startup & Registration

We are currently working on the 2023-24 season registration.  Registration for the fall development, tryouts and the regular season is expected to open in a couple of weeks.  This year's registration will be done online.  
Fall Development will start September 6th.  Tryouts will start September 23rd and run through October 8th.   
We also want to thank all the volunteers who put their name forward to help coach.  This has been one of the highest number of volunteers who have put their names forward.  
If you have any questions please email info@ehpenguins.org  
Aug 9, 2023

EHMHA is looking for a Administration Clerk

Applications are currently being accepted for a part-time Administration Clerk

Jul 5, 2023

Call for Volunteers & AGM

The EHMHA selection committee is looking for prospective candidates who want to give back to the hockey community.  The following positions are up for election:

  • VP Admin
  • Director At Large
  • Events and Recruiting Cordinator

·      Each position is for a 2-year term.  The descriptions for each role can be found on the EHMHA Website.

If you would like to recommend someone or put your name forward, please reach out to the search committee by emailing vphockey@ehpenguins.org.  The committee will confirm they are eligible.  

We will vote on these positions at the annual general meeting, being held Wednesday, May 24th at 7:00pm at the East Hants Sportsplex.  The agenda can be found by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please email info@ehpenguins.org



Apr 25, 2023

U15 Checking Clinic

On March 12 Joel Isenor & Bryan Gillis will be running the EHMHA checking clinic.


4-5 pm classroom (Bannister Room)

5-6 pm   Off ice (full gear except skates)

6-730 pm on ice session


Anyone wishing to try out for a U15 rep team next season is required to have the checking clinic. Goalies do not need to have the clinic.  Anyone wishing to try out for a U15 Major team this Spring will also need the checking clinic


If you have already taken the clinic you do not need to take it again.


This clinic is FREE for EHMHA players.  This will be our only checking clinic and do not plan to have another one in the Fall


Please contact Bryan Gillis to sign up for the clinic: Bryangillis1@hotmail.com




Mar 2, 2023

East Hants Minor Hockey Would like to Thank our Sponsors of the 2023 U7 Jamboree

Thank You to all our great sponsors for the 2023 U7 Jamboree

Feb 18, 2023